The West Virginia University Tyler County Extension Office is your link to the knowledge and resources of West Virginia University and the nation-wide land grant university system. The Tyler County Extension Office provides solutions in your community through programs and resources in the areas of agriculture and natural resources; 4-H and youth development; food and nutrition; health and wellness; and home gardening. These research-based programs and services are available to all Tyler County residents thanks to the tremendous support of our community members, local organizations, volunteers and local partners, including the County Commission and Board of Education.
Contact Our Office
Monday through Friday | 9:00am to 4:00pm |
CLOSED on WVU Holidays |
WVU Extension Service
Tyler County Office
311 Main Street
Middlebourne, WV
Phone: 304-758-2101
Fax: 304-758-2888
Email: TylerCountyExtension@mail.wvu.edu
Faculty and Staff
Julia Bolin
Extension Instructor
Patricia Silliman
Administrative Assistant